Rousakis, C

Ethically Addressing Environmental And Sustainability Issues Through Art Education: Art And Social Practice

Fall 2012

This project highlights research on the connection between environmental ethics, sustainability, and art education, specifically emphasizing these themes within the context of art education, without prioritizing object-making. I propose limiting material production and emphasizing social activism by linking art education with Social Practice as a means for addressing environmental and sustainability issues. Using historical and philosophical inquiry research methodologies, I produced two resources for teachers interested in adding Environmental Social Practice to their art education curriculum. The first resource is an online guide, entitled “Environment & Art Education” and created in a self-publishing social media site called ISSUUTM. My ISSUUTM publication serves as a brief starting resource on environmental ethics, sustainability and Social Practice as they relate to art education. The second product is a sustainable, living web resource by way of a Pinterest® board entitled “Environmental Social Practice.” My Pinterest® board which contains current web content on environmental ethics, ART AND SOCIAL PRACTICE 4 sustainability, Social Practice, and environmental art education. For added search-ability, both of these resources along with additional information are accessible on my webpage,

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